This is the page that governs the terms and conditions of the provision of Web Development services by the representative(s) of this website L. R. Neves (and possible associates or subcontractors) to the person requesting the respective service (End User) of this website.
1. Agreement
Upon receiving my proposal, you will be provided with an indication and a link to this terms and conditions page, with the aim of reading and agreeing to all of them, at least those that concern or apply to the requested service. By awarding my proposal and having given your approval to start the project, it will be assumed that you agree to these terms and conditions.
2. Requesting a Service on This Website
The service request is made by filling out the Briefing Form, which can be accessed by clicking the previous link or on the “Prices and Services” Page in each of the action buttons, or still in the footer of this website, on the “Contact Me” page.
3. Prior Acquisition of Domain and Hosting
The acquisition of Domain and Hosting must be done prior to the start of the project work, as the website production is done in real-time on your hosting, where you can monitor the project’s development in real-time and request any design adjustments. While I am working on the website, you will see an “Under Construction” page. When I want to show you something, I will release the page for you to view, and we will keep in sync until the final product. The acquisition of this service, as well as its renewal, is your (End User’s) sole responsibility, and it is not included in the development service prices mentioned in the proposal. For hosting recommendations, I suggest Namecheap, but you can choose any other platform that provides a Control Panel where the site can later be transferred. Free web hosting and domain services will not be accepted for work.
4. Services That Do Not Require Prior Acquisition of Domain and Hosting
All design services, such as Logo, Logo and Branding, or UX/UI design, will have deliverables in digital formats that do not require cloud hosting/server. In these cases, in the briefing form, for the questions regarding domain and hosting, you should choose the “no” or “non-applicable” options.
5. Briefing Form
The briefing form is a bit lengthy and “boring,” but its goal is to gather all the necessary information so that we don’t waste too much time communicating project details. The key to the success of any project is effective communication. I can do anything I set out to do, but I need specific guidelines from you (End User) to avoid delays from later changes or unmentioned details. That’s why I ask you to invest some time in filling out the briefing form with as much information as possible that you can provide. Even so, I may still contact you if I need more details.
6. Service Proposal
After the service request, I will send you a Service Proposal to the email you used when filling out the Briefing form. The proposal will include the proposed price for the service, payment methods, and amounts to be paid to start each phase of the project.
7. Prices and Services
The prices listed on the “Prices and Services” page are the minimum prices for each service (hence the use of the term “from”), and higher amounts may be charged if the project specification requires it, but everything is negotiable. Lower prices are also negotiable if the project specification is simple and not time-consuming. The listed services are the most commonly requested, but my skills cover many areas of web development, so we can always agree on other services that are not listed, always subject to filling out the briefing form and receiving a service proposal from me.
8. Access Credentials for cPanel or Server
When awarding the proposal, you must send me by email the reserved domain name and the hosting account access details (cPanel) so that we can immediately start the production of your website. The project cannot begin until I have these access credentials as defined in term 3, “Prior Acquisition of Domain and Hosting”.
9. Negotiation/Awarding of the Proposal
After the negotiation, the awarding of the proposal, and the payment of the initial amount, I will immediately start working on your project.
10. Deadlines (Delivery of Project)
The minimum delivery deadlines vary depending on the complexity and workload of the projects I may be working on, with the expected delivery time specified in the Service Proposal. Delivery delays will not be accounted for if caused by delays on your part (End User), such as failure to deliver content you committed to, failure to provide access credentials to the server/cPanel (Domain and Hosting), “last-minute adjustments,” “indecision” on your part, “remorse” (not wanting to continue with the development), failure to acquire domain and hosting, or insufficient domain and hosting for the website’s needs, or non-payment of agreed installments for project phases to begin. The indicated deadlines will only apply to my part of providing web development services for your project.
11. Information Flow
The flow of information will be done exclusively via email. There will be no video calls, video conferences, phone calls, or in-person meetings, as I only work remotely. This is the only way I can handle projects worldwide, especially since Portugal is a bit small. All communication, from the initial service proposal to the respective award, will be done by email. From my side, to the email you (End User) provide when filling out the Briefing form, and from your side, to the email you will receive when you get the service proposal.
12. Formats of Material to be Provided
The material that we have agreed to be provided by you should be attached by email or transferred via shared cloud services like Google Drive. In the case of images, they should preferably be in “png” or “webp” format with the highest possible resolution, as I will then optimize the resolution as needed. I reserve the right to refuse images of poor quality, low resolution, or in formats not previously mentioned. In the case of graphics, logos, or any other type, the preferred format is vectorized format, “SVG” or “AI” (Adobe Illustrator).
13. Videos
As a rule, in the initial phase, the hosting services contracted are typically shared hosting, and hosting companies, in these more basic plans, generally do not allow video hosting directly. Therefore, videos will only be accepted if you have acquired a dedicated server, VPS, or similar plans. I recommend uploading the video(s) to free streaming platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo, and then we can integrate them via code.
14. Technologies Used
To develop your website, I use the current standard technologies that have proven to be the best technologies ever, and are used in millions of websites worldwide. These technologies include WordPress, with programming languages such as PHP, Javascript, ReactJS, MySQL database, and the common HTML, CSS, XML, and JSON. For implementing stores on WordPress, the WooCommerce plugin is used, which is already a standard for online stores worldwide. Page builders like Kadence, Spectra, or even Elementor, Bricks, or Divi are also used to speed up the creation of more complex designs. For design, I use Adobe Creative Cloud tools (Illustrator, Photoshop) and Figma for Interface (UX/UI) design. For “getting my hands dirty” when it’s necessary to write code or develop plugins, I use VS Code.
15. Creation of Professional Emails
A professional email will be created for the administration of the website, and the access credentials will be provided to you at the time of delivery. This email will be linked to all the functionalities added to the site and will be considered the administrator email. Additional emails can be created as needed, subject to the permissions of the hosting plan you choose. Some hosting plans allow the creation of only 3 emails, for example, while others are unlimited. On Namecheap, it is usually unlimited.
16. Integration with Email Service
Integration with an email service, beyond the service provided by the hosting, makes your emails more robust and reliable, ensuring they rarely end up in the spam folders of your clients/end users. The integration provided, which is included in the plans, refers to the integration with the Mailpoet service, which to date is my personal trusted service and one I use myself to send emails from my website, on the free version. An upgrade to the premium version can be made by purchasing the plugin. Mailpoet not only provides more robust and reliable emails, but it also allows the setup of newsletter subscription forms and enables sending newsletters with the selection of visually professional and appealing templates. If you later wish to subscribe to a paid service for this purpose, please let me know before the 30-day post-sale period, and I will make the change free of charge. However, if you do it after that, the integration will be charged at the hourly rates.
17. Newsletter Subscription Form Setup and Newsletter Template
It is optional, but if you wish, I can set up a Newsletter Subscription Form for you using the templates included in Mailpoet. I can also configure a Newsletter template that you can later modify by updating the text as you create new newsletters and send them.
18. Google Services Setup to Have Your Website Indexed
The website will be configured to work with Google Analytics, Search Console, and Tag Manager services. The website’s sitemap will also be submitted for quick indexing.
19. Installation and Configuration of SEO Plugin
The SEO plugin provides guidelines on how to fill out the article creation forms and upload images on the website to ensure they are optimized for search engines. It creates and maintains updated sitemaps (in XML) as you create, edit, or remove content from the site, allowing search engines to constantly keep your site updated in their index. The installed plugin is a free version. You can upgrade to the Premium version by purchasing the plugin.
20. Social Media Integration
Social media sharing buttons for articles/products will be added, as well as buttons for accessing your pages or channels, should you wish to include them.
21. Enhanced Security
The security enhancements I will implement on your website will be the culmination of my 15 years of experience in Web Development, with details that will protect your site from spam, DDoS attacks, brute force attacks, and tampering monitoring, along with daily backups of your site.
22. Creation of the “About” Page
The “About” page will contain a descriptive text about you, your company, or the team behind the future management of the website. This text must be provided by you. If you wish to include images or photos of the team members or the company’s headquarters on the respective page, you should also provide them, taking into account the term 12, “Formats of Material to be Provided”.
23. Creation of the “Privacy Policy” Page
The default “Privacy Policy” page of WordPress will be activated, configured with your site’s data, and additional content can be added if needed. However, the default WordPress page is usually sufficient.
24. Compliance with GDPR and Privacy Laws (Cookie Notice)
A cookie notice will be placed on your site, and integration with Google will be made, displaying the compliance message directly from Google.
25. Creation of the Contact Page
The “Contact” page will, by default, include a contact form protected by ReCAPTCHA, which will direct the submitted contacts to the email created for this purpose. If you have a physical address and/or phone contacts, these can be added to the page, along with the contact form, Google Maps, etc.
26. Admin Area
All of my websites provide access to an Admin Area, where you or your team members can manage the content of your site in the future. This Admin Area (CMS) is a default feature of WordPress, and you will be granted access to it at the time of the site delivery, allowing you to manage your site. Specifically, you will be able to create new pages, blog posts, add products to the store (if applicable), as well as manage, control, add users, send newsletters, etc.
27. Training Videos
I provide my clients with training videos at the time of site delivery to effectively manage their WordPress site. These videos are included in the development service, and there is no additional charge for them.
28. Refunds
There will be no refunds for amounts paid in advance, whether due to dissatisfaction (disliking the current product), indecision (not knowing if it’s liked), or remorse (no longer wanting the service). The amounts are paid to initiate a specific task or work related to the project, and that work is carried out, with time invested in its development. I consider myself entitled to retain (not refund) the amounts already spent.
29. Project Cancellation
You can, at any time and at any stage, proceed with the cancellation of the project using the means designated in term 10 (Information Flow), with no further payments due for amounts previously agreed upon. However, no refunds will be provided for amounts already paid, as defined in term 28 (Refunds).
30. Confidentiality
I handle all ongoing projects with complete confidentiality, with no disclosure during production. There will only be a link to the project on my portfolio page, but only after the work is completed. If you do not wish to have your project included in my portfolio, please send an email to notify me or mention it directly in the briefing. Any data related to cancelled projects will be kept in a confidential “vault” in the cloud for 1 year, after which it will be permanently deleted. This period is due to the following term.
31. Return to Projects After Cancellation Request
If you cancel the project but later decide to resume it, you can do so within up to one year after the cancellation, as this is the period during which I will store the work already completed and the data in my possession. There will be a reactivation fee of 25% of the amount paid at the start of the project. After that, you will proceed with the necessary payments as if the project and initial service proposal were being resumed. If more than a year has passed, you will need to make the first payment again for the “kickoff” of the project, as it will be treated as a completely new project.
32. Website Development Credits
I will include a link to my website with a small credit phrase in the footer of the site I develop for you, such as “Developed by L. R. Neves.” If you do not wish for the link to be included (or if you want it removed later), please send an email to notify me.
33. Website Down, Access Issues, Slow Website
This type of situation is usually related to the website hosting, and will be investigated for free during the free support period (15 to 30 days after project delivery, depending on the service contracted). After this period, it will be subject to hourly rates, unless you have subscribed to the guaranteed maintenance service, in which case it will be included. It may be due to misconfiguration, maintenance, or limitations of the hosting server or plan. What I will do in these situations is inquire with the hosting company of your site to try to resolve the issue. I am not responsible for support failures or the inability of the hosting company to resolve the situation your site is in. This is why I recommend Namecheap, as they have never let me down.
34. Changes to the Final Product by the Client (End User)
I am not responsible for any changes made by you to the final product I delivered that result in the malfunction of the website, or any requests for “changes” or “adjustments”, including the later installation of plugins, misconfiguration, or performance issues caused by modifications not made by me, layout changes, or any other alterations not made by me.
35. Guaranteed Maintenance
The guaranteed maintenance service, if contracted (€99/month), does not cover the previous term, and the resolution of issues referred to in the previous term will be charged according to the hourly rates, depending on the time it takes to “resolve” the issue. This service consists of keeping the website up-to-date in terms of themes, plugins, and security features, with periodic checks for tampering, attacks, or intrusion attempts. It does not include the insertion of new content, writing, or the addition of products if it is an online store, nor the insertion of courses if it is a school website, or the management of bookings if it is a booking site. It also does not include handling and delivery of products to customers, after-sales service, or support to your customers (end users of your site).
36. Hourly Rates
The hourly rate applies to all adjustments not included in the guaranteed maintenance service, as well as changes to the site after the post-delivery support period, the insertion of new content, products, courses, or functionalities.
37. Content/Product/Course Insertion
These services are subject to my availability. I reserve the right to refuse these services if I am already engaged with other development projects or unavailable for other reasons, as they are not included in the website development plans. If accepted, they will be charged according to the hourly rate. Just to give you an idea, inserting a product into a store (including adding description, image(s) or featured images, creating variations for colors, sizes, filling in meta tags for SEO, etc.) typically takes at least 20 minutes per product/article. 20 minutes.
38. Logos
Subject to terms 1 to 31. Initially, 8 logo design variations will be presented in JPG format with a watermark, for approval of typography, shapes, and/or symbols. If you (the End User) have an idea or sketch, we can work from that as well. After deciding on the final version, the vectorized version without the watermark will be delivered.
39. Landing Pages
Subject to terms 1 to 37. The creation of the Landing Page will be done in real-time on the hosting and domain whose credentials are provided to me. When it’s not presentable or I am working on it, an “In Construction” page will be displayed. The project starts when the initial payment and credentials have been provided. An adjustable version will be presented, which, following your subsequent instructions, will evolve into a final version. No extra pages will be created beyond the landing page. If additional pages like “Privacy Policy” or “About” are required, these will be charged according to the respective hourly rates.
40. Blogs
Subject to terms 1 to 37. WordPress blog with content management system (CMS), without extra page design (homepage will only display the most recent articles). Includes an “About” page (without design, just a featured image and a biographical text of the blog owner(s)), a Privacy Policy page, creation of a professional email, a contact form page, and integration with Google tools.
41. Logo and Branding
Subject to terms 1 to 31. Initially, 8 logo design variations and a branding template will be presented in JPG format with watermarks, solely for approval of colors, typography, shapes, and/or symbols. Sketches from your side are accepted if you have a specific idea, and I will work from there. The final delivery will be in vectorized formats (SVG). The logo will be presented in 8 formats (Complete with Typography and Shape only in 4 presentation formats: color on white, color on black, black on white, black on black), Typography, Color, Brand Pattern, and a Brand Guide.
42. Brand Guide
Included in the Logo and Branding service is a small PDF book that outlines the fonts, colors, patterns, shapes, and logos or symbols used, so that you can later work with printing companies or other designers if you want to create physical pieces for your business, such as business cards, prints, decorative vinyls, etc.
43. UX/UI Design
Subject to terms 1 to 31. This consists of providing a design, either for a website or an app. Please note that it is only a design, and does not include implementation. Each page, button, and interaction is designed and delivered as a functional prototype created in Figma, so that the developer who will implement it has a clear understanding of what to do. The design is made with a focus on experience and usability, using the “dumb proof” concept, creating the website, software, or app to be as intuitive and easy to use as possible, while also respecting accessibility standards for all devices and users. Then, simply hand it over to the developer for implementation.
44. Implementation of UX/UI Design
Subject to terms 1 to 37. If you already have a design ready, whether from another designer or if you requested it from me, we can proceed with the implementation if it is for a website. However, if it involves apps, web apps, or software, I am not yet able to implement those, as I am still in the process of mastering technologies (such as NodeJS, ReactJS, Python), among others. But if it is for a website, I can certainly handle the implementation, just make sure to choose the corresponding service (Showcase Site, E-Commerce Site, or Complex Site) and proceed with the necessary form submission.
45. Upgrade of Existing Website to Multi-Language
Subject to terms 1 to 37. This service includes adapting your website to support multiple languages using subdomains like “,” with a WordPress installation in each directory (without using multi-language plugins). The language switcher, represented by flags, is a unique solution I have developed. It is a custom plugin created by me that handles all aspects of slugs, links, and hreflangs (for SEO), without needing to pay for premium versions of other plugins. Typically, this request should be made after the website is developed (ready in one language), and then we can proceed with adding more languages. Alternatively, if you already have a WordPress website and want to add multi-language functionality, this can be done as well. Please note that the service does not include the creation of content in these languages, only the translation of the site’s structure (navigation, links, titles) using AI or translators. Content like blog articles, products, or descriptions must be added separately and are not included in this service.
46. Custom Plugin Development
If there are no ready-made solutions available for your requirements, it may be necessary to develop a custom plugin tailored to your needs. This will be subject to my availability to create it, and I reserve the right to refuse the development of the plugin. In some cases, I may attempt to subcontract someone to write the plugin, which may increase the overall costs.
47. Showcase Website
Subject to terms 1 to 37, all functionalities described on the “Prices and Services” page are included. This encompasses the design or redesign of a logo, but branding is not included. Branding is a separate service that, if desired, must be contracted by filling out a new briefing form and selecting the service type as “Logo and Branding.”
48. Online Store (E-Commerce)
Subject to terms 1 to 37, all functionalities described on the “Prices and Services” page are included. This includes the insertion of up to 50 initial products before delivery. If fewer than 50 products are provided, for example, only 25, no additional products will be inserted after the 30-day post-delivery support period. Further insertion will be subject to term 37 (Insertion of Articles/Products/Courses). Branding is not included. Integration with invoicing software is also not included. You may send invoices by email to customers, or you can contract this integration as a separate service, subject to hourly rates, and it may include the “Research and Development” service if an API needs to be integrated. Integration with stock management software for physical stores is not included. Again, you can contract this as a separate service, subject to hourly rates, and it may include “Research and Development” depending on the time and research required.
49. Online School or More Complex Website
Subject to terms 1 to 37, all functionalities described on the “Prices and Services” page are included. Branding is also not included. This option is suitable for all types of websites requiring more complex configurations, such as subscription sites, booking systems, online schools, etc. However, it does not include the insertion of products, articles, or courses. These insertions will be subject to term 37 (Content/Product/Course Insertion).
50. Intellectual Property Rights
The User acknowledges that the content of this site is protected by intellectual property rights and agrees to respect them. The rights to all graphical elements of the site (texts, images, graphics, sounds, animations, and all other information), as well as the way they are presented on the site, including trademarks, logos, symbols, and graphic icons, as well as the organization and structure of the site, are owned by L. R. Neves or have been properly licensed to L. R. Neves. The User is not authorized to transmit, publish, modify, copy, use, or distribute, by any means or form, the texts, images, graphics, sounds, animations, or other information contained in this site, in whole or in part, without prior written permission from L. R. Neves.
51. Applicable Law
These Terms and Conditions for the use of the website are governed by Portuguese law. Any disputes or conflicts arising from a service provided by me or my team fall under the jurisdiction of the Lisbon District Court, with me, as a Portuguese citizen, reserving the right to refuse any other jurisdiction.
Last Modification of this Document
The owner of the site (L. R. Neves) reserves the right to modify, add, or delete these terms, without prejudice to projects initiated under the previous version of the respective terms. A copy of the terms is always fixed at the beginning of projects so that they are not affected by later versions. If it becomes necessary to agree to new terms for an ongoing project, you will be contacted by email to inform you of the change and to request your agreement with the new terms, reserving the you right to refuse the new terms. In case of refusal, the project will not be canceled and will remain under the terms under which it was awarded.