Humanity Statement

Humanity Disclosure Statement

On March 12, 2024, I completely abolished creating articles on this blog using AI (Artificial Intelligence). It means that now all articles are written and structured entirely by me.

All writing is mine, all concepts are mine and written by me and not by Artificial Intelligence.

The entire way of writing, all the words are mine, natural, and this is how I intend to add authenticity to this blog and to all the others I write.

I am not at all against Generative Artificial Intelligence, because I will continue to use it to get ideas for article titles, perhaps some way of structuring something, and without a doubt, to continue generating images for my articles, because they do it so well.

But I am against the misuse and lazy use of generative AI, where millions of bloggers worldwide are currently just copying and pasting AI-generated articles, causing unfair competition and flooding the internet market with repeated and duplicate articles, without any exclusivity or authorial authenticity.

So I decided to continue working, to take longer to write my articles but to ensure that, when people read an article written by L. R. Neves, they are reading an article written by L. R. Neves and not copied from the chat window of a generative AI.

And this is me writing the text for this page too. Me. Luís Miguel Rodrigues Neves (L. R. Neves), owner and writer of this website/blog.

Generative AI should only be used to:

  • Factual Information, which does not require personal experience, meaning, that it is what it is, regardless of how we say it is, or that there is simply no other way to explain it.
  • To give ideas for article titles.
  • Make grammar corrections (like Grammarly).
  • Generate supporting images for articles (such as featured images).

All other types of usage are considered lazy and unethical in my opinion. In addition to the fact that, in the long term, I seriously believe that they will harm your website’s SEO.

Therefore, the only times you will see me using generative AI to create blog articles will be under the terms of the list mentioned above.


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2023 - 2024© (Copyright) L. R. Neves | All rights reserved. I myself Developed and Implemented the entire Site and am the Main Writer of All Articles.