Do you already have a Logo and Branding (Corporate Identity)?
--Select-- I have a Logo. I have Logo and Branding. No. I want to redesign.
Do already have some ready design (Photoshop or Illustrator) or bought theme (WordPress) for your website?
--Select-- Non-Applicable. Design. Theme. I Don't have nothing.
Do you have content from any old website to migrate to the new one?
--Select-- Yes. No or Non-Applicable.
Can you get me the written contents to add to your website (for ex. About Page, Homepage, Mission, Values)?
--Select-- Non-Applicable. Yes, I can. No, I need content.
Can you get me the images to add to your website (por ex. Company Building, Offices, About Page, Homepage, Mission, Values)?
--Select-- Non-Applicable. Yes, I can. No, I need Images.
In case you want a store, how many products you have to insert?
--Select-- Non-Applicable Up to 100 products Up to 200 products Up to 300 products Up to 400 products More than 500 products